Campaigns using Buzz

Here's a few examples of campaigns using Buzz Social Posters.

Digital communication card

RNID Digital Communication Card Stacey

Created initially for Deaf Awareness Week, the poster is a personalised communication card which people can use to let others know about their unique communication needs.

Spreading the word

WMSD24 Poster Maker ENG Highlighting

Created for World MS Day which takes place globally on 30 May each year to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis. Aimed at MS organisations around the world, individual supporters or local organisations can show their support for each year's theme.

Fundraising poster

Cycle the month portrait instagram ph 72

Prostate Cancer UK use Buzz for all their challenge fundraising campaigns. They encourage people to raise sponsorship with a personalised poster.

Supporter poster

Rural housing week buzz facebook ph 72

Rural Housing Week is an annual campaign from the National Housing Federation to showcase the fantastic work that housing associations do in rural communities.

Got a campaign coming up?

Try something different by using Buzz Social Posters to increase your reach with digital audiences.

Get in touch to discuss your campaign